Shin-Eiken Statement on Russian Federation’s acts of aggression against Ukraine

We teachers of New English Teachers’ Association (Shin-Eiken) express our statement against the latest acts of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Shin-Eiken is a nationwide organization of English teachers in Japan from the levels of elementary to university and has implemented peace education at daily classes since our foundation in 1959. Therefore, we cannot be indifferent to the indiscriminate attacks and killing of civilians in Ukraine.
Russia started acts of invasion against Ukraine on February 24th and so far has victimized a lot of human lives. This is a barbarian act which trampled on another nations’ sovereignty and territory, and violates international order of peace based on the United Nations Charter. UN Secretary-General Guterres expressed that the world has been faced with the most serious crisis of peace and security. Russia should stop military attacks and withdraw its forces from the country immediately.
At the Emergency Special Meeting of the United Nations held on March 2nd, as many as 141 member states supported the resolution denouncing Russian blatant acts and demanding immediate withdrawal of its forces, with only five states against the resolution. Every day Russian military forces continue to cause many deaths of innocent men and women. Every night our TV stations broadcast disastrous scenes of young children being injured or killed, and we cannot help but look away from them.
The UN Charter says that “We the people of the United Nations have determined to save the succeeding generations from scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind…."
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution says that “Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes."
We Japanese teachers decades ago determined, on the basis of deep remorse over our aggressive war, “Never again shall we send our schoolchildren to battlefields!" More recently, we interpret this as, “Never again shall we let our school children encounter any horrors of war!" Therefore, we can never turn a blind eye to Russian acts of aggression against Ukraine.
Lastly, we strongly call on Russia to respect international law, stop military actions at once and take a positive step forward to world peace.
March 7th, 2022
The Standing Committee of New English Teachers’ Association
President Masumi Ikeda
新英語教育研究会 中央常任委員会
会長 池田真澄